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Positive Behavior Support


Douglas Arrival Standards

Be Respectful:

  • Follow all adult/leader directions
  • Use kind words and actions
  • Remove hats

Be Responsible:

  • Report to your assigned entrance
  • Enter and exit using a level 3 voice
  • Be prepared with all classroom materials

 Be Safe:

  • Follow line procedures and remain in assigned line
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

 Douglas Departure Standards

Be Respectful:

  • Follow all adult/leader directions
  • Use kind words and actions
  • Use level 3 voices

Be Responsible:

  • ·         Value people and property
  • ·         Remember to keep all personal items with you
  • ·         Be prepared with all homework materials 

Be Safe:

  • ·         Follow line procedures and remain in assigned line
  • ·         Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Douglas Classroom Standards

Be Respectful:

  • Follow all adult/leader directions
  • Take care of personal and school property
  • Use kind words and actions
  • Speak when it is your turn with the correct level of voice

 Be Responsible:

  • Follow directions the first time they are given
  • Give your best effort
  • Be prepared for class
  • Be honest
  • Clean up own area

 Be Safe:

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Use peaceful solutions
  • Sit correctly on chairs
  • Know the emergency procedures



Green = Start of each day

Yellow = Lose 1/2 Recess

Blue = Lose all Recess

Red = “Think Sheet” with Parent Signature

          If the student doesn’t return “Think Sheet” the next day they receive a detention.       

PDR = Student conduct that is considered unacceptable at the teacher’s discretion will be immediately given an ODR (Office Discipline Referral).


Principal Discipline Referral Guidelines

The Referral Process

  1. The referring staff determines whether the student infraction meets criteria for an office referral.
  2. Staff will complete a Discipline Referral Form (PDR), which will accompany the student to the office.
  3. The administrator will review the PDR and gather any additional information necessary.
  4. The administrator will determine the appropriate consequence(s), complete the PDR, and enters the referral electronically.
  5. If the student receives suspension days, then a notice is generated and sent to the parent/guardian.  This will always include a phone call home by administrator.  A completed PDR is sent to the homeroom teacher and a copy is filed electronically for the school’s record.


The electronic data system will yield summary information regarding Principal Discipline Referral for individual students, as well as information that will aid in the implementation of Positive Behavior Support strategies for Douglas Elementary students.